July 18, 2022
The lengthy process of updating this web site and preparing to move to a more modern web platform has resumed. The first step is updating the pictures of post-docs. Take a look or click on the “Photopage” link at left. The QTP web site was built by QTP faculty member Erik Deumens. It has many features, which makes the underlying code quite intricate. Additionally, updating was not done for some years in the early 2010s owing to staffing issues. The rebuilding is being overseen by Sam Trickey as time allows.
April 10, 2022 Congratulations to John Stanton!
In June 2020, Fulbright Hungary announced a new, distinguished grant for US scholars, the John von Neumann Distinguished Award in STEM. We are happy to announce that Prof. John Stanton has been honored with one of the first such grants. He will be working with colleagues at Eotvos Lorand Univ., Budapest. Funded by the Hungarian Ministry of Innovation and Technology, the award is to attract U.S. scholars to several high-priority research facilities in Hungary. The award is named after Hungarian-American scientist John von Neumann, who was born in Budapest, then emigrated to the US in the early 1930s to Princeton, where he made major contributions in mathematics, physics, economics, computing, and statistics.
March 12, 2022 QTP Action to Condemn the Russian Invasion of Ukraine and Respond
The Quantum Theory Project (QTP) stands in solidarity with the Ukraine Chemistry, Physics, and Materials Science communities and in dismay at the invasion of their country. International science is a hallmark of QTP activity. Indeed, our 16 faculty come from 11 different nations. Within our institutional capacity, therefore, we welcome Ukrainian scientists working in areas relevant to QTP (a broad range of atomic, molecular, and materials chemistry, physics, and materials science theory and computation) to contact our Director (Prof. H-P. Cheng, hping at ufl.edu) if interested in visiting Univ. of Florida and QTP.