Nov. 30, 2018 Early registration for the 59th Sanibel Symposium has been extended to Dec. 10th! Please use the Symposium link at left to register.
Oct. 5, 2018 59th Sanibel Symposium registration is open! Please use the link at left to register.
Sept. 6, 2018 QTP seminar next week: Prof. Kieron Burke (Univ. Calif. Irvine) speaking on “Thermal stitching: Reconnecting quantum and DFT solvers of fermion problems”. Note special day and time! Thursday, Sept. 13, 2:00 pm. Room 2205, NPB.
June 29, 2018 The U.S. Dept. of Energy has awarded an Energy Frontier Research Center grant to the Center for Molecular Magnetic Quantum Materials. The effort is headed by QTP Director Prof. Hai-Ping Cheng. Four other QTPers (Richard Hennig, John Stanton, Sam Trickey, and Xiaoguang Zhang) are members. Other members are Art Hebard and Neil Sullivan (UF Physics and Nat. High Magnetic Field Lab. “NHMFL”), George Christou (UF Chemistry), Stephen Hill (Florida State U. and NHMFL), Vivien Zapf (Los Alamos Nat. Lab. and NHMFL), Garnet Chan (Cal Tech) and Talat Rahman (U. Central Florida).
May 4, 2018 A nice article about the admission of Sam Trickey as a Miembro Correspondiente of the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias appeared in the Academy’s bulletin. Click here.
Feb. 13, 2018 Sanibel Symposium is next week! The program booklet was posted today. Please use the Symposium link at left.
Jan. 2, 2018 Sanibel Symposium Abstract submittal deadline has been EXTENDED to Jan. 5, 2018. Use the Symposium link at the left.
Jan. 2, 2018 QTP has a new Director and Associate Director, Profs. Hai-Ping Cheng (Physics) and Richard Hennig (Materials Science and Eng.) respectively. Thanks go to Prof. Rod Bartlett (Chemistry) for his two terms of service as Director.