- JIM FOLKShas left QTP to be the accountant for the Department of Physics. Please see Rebecca Brothers (QTP Student Asst.) in room 2230, for your QTP needs.
- QTP HAS A NEW DIRECTOR! Dr. Rod Bartlett has been elected director of QTP. His term is effective May 2012 to December 2014.
Congratulations Rod!
- 52nd Sanibel Symposium was held on February 19th to February 24th at the King and Prince Beach Resort, St. Simons Island, Georgia. There were 186 participants and many guests. For additional information please go to our Sanibel Web Site
- Message from Judy Parker
Quantum Theory Project Office Manager
” Dear Friends, I retired on Friday, March 30, 2012 after 22 years with QTP. It is with mixed emotions that I leave – QTP has been like family to me for many years and I will miss all the wonderful people I have met while here. After retirement, my husband and I will be traveling the US in our RV and are looking forward to our new adventure. Thank you all for enriching my life beyond measure and allowing me to be a part of yours. If you would like to contact me, email Jim at jjfolks@qtp.ufl.edu and he will forward your message. I am also on Facebook and LinkedIn and you are welcome to contact me in that manner as well.