- Dec 10, 2010 Ben Hall Physics and QTP graduate student working with Prof. J. Sabin recieved the Bomsted Teaching Award.
- Dec 8, 2010 Prof. Rod Bartlett presented the Pitzer Lecture at Ohio State Unievrsity on Nov 17.
- Oct 1, 2010 Prof. Rod Bartlett has been awarded the Southern Chemist Awrd by the Memphis section of the ACS.
- Sep 1, 2010 David Micha has received a new NSF grant starting this July on “Dissipative quantum dynamics and response of adsorbates on solid surfaces”
A Symposium in Honor of John R. Sabin
Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark, July 9 ? 11, 2010.
Jack Sabin, Professor of Physics and Chemistry at UF and Adjungeret Professor at the University of Southern Denmark, was honored for his service and scholarship in celebration of his 70th birthday by friends and collaborators for three days of science, remembrance, and fellowship. The event was hosted by Jens Oddershede, President of Southern Denmark University and long term collaborator of Jack, at a remarkable bayside estate in southern Denmark. It was sponsored by QTP, the Department of Physics, UF, and by the University of Southern Denmark. Among the 20 invited speakers were three from UF, Yngve Ohrn, Frank Harris, and Jim Dufty.
During his joint appointments at UF (40 years) and at Southern Denmark University (20 years), Jack has remarkable accomplishments in research at the interfaces of theoretical physics and chemistry, and as an administrator in many capacities (Chair, Dean, Director). During the banquet he was presented with a plaque from the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry for his exceptional service as Editor of IJQC and of Advances in Quantum Chemistry. But that which his colleagues mentioned most in their remarks is his outstanding quality as a self-less, honorable, and humorous friend and collaborator.
View symposium site here.
- June 29, 2010 Kennie Merz has been named Fellow of the American Chemical Society.
- June 17, 2010 Rod Bartlett receives the medal and certificate for the S. F. Boys – A. Rahman Award for 2009-2010 at the RSC Faraday Division Awards Symposium held in May 2010 at the University of Nottingham.
In the picture (l-r): Prof. Mike Ashfold (Pres of Faraday Council), Prof. David Manolopoulos (Chemical Dynamics Award), Rod, Prof. Gerard Meijer (Bourke Award), Prof. Andrew Orr-Ewing (Tilden Prize)
- June 1, 2010 News in the group of Hai-Ping Cheng:Dmitri Kilin has joined the group on the project: Optical excitation and electron dynamics at Si/SiO2 interfaceXiang-Guo Li went to Oak Ridge National Laboratory to work with Dr. Xiangguang Zhange for the summer, on the project: Transport Theory and Scattering Method.
Iek-Heng Chu is going to Lawrence Berckely National Lab to work with Dr. Lin-Wang Wang for the summer, on the project: First-Principles theory and methods for photovoltaic system.
- May 12, 2010 The recipients of the 2009 Crow-Stasch awards for an excellent publication.Xiao He
Advisor: Prof. Merz
Conformational variability of benzamidinium-based inhibitors, Journal of the American Chemical Society.Megan Meyer
Advisor: Prof. Richards
A critical electrostatic interaction mediates inhibitor recognition by human asparagines synthetase, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry.
- Apr 8, 2010 Prof. Hai-Ping Cheng has been selected to receive a University of Florida Research Foundation (UFRF) Professorship award. This includes a 3-year salary bump together with some research funds, and is given to recognize faculty who have established a distinguished record of research and scholarship.
- Apr 1, 2010 Michael Mavros, an undergraduate Chemistry students doing supervised research in David Micha’s group, has been awarded a prestigious Goldwater Scholarship. This is an award given by the national government to about 100 aspiring undergraduate scientists each year.
- Mar 26, 2010 Jack Sabin is reaching the age of 70, and although he is not retiring from active service either at Florida or in Denmark, we are organizing a celebration of this long-awaited event.The portion of the celebration that will take place outside the University of Florida will be a two-day symposium at the Sandbjerg Estate (a conference center operated by Aarhus University in Denmark). The dates are July 9-11, 2010. We expect the program to be broad, reflecting the diversity of Jack’s research and other interests. An announcement of the Symposium has been posted to the website and we encourage you to go there to learn more about the plans. Since Jack has many friends and the capacity of the Sandbjerg Estate is finite, we must reserve space for participants in the order in which they make a preliminary indication of interest in attending. The place to sign up is on the Preliminary Registration page of the Symposium web site.If the web site does not answer all your questions, feel free to contact any member of the organizing committee (email addresses listed on the site).
- Mar 16, 2010
Michael Stavros an undergraduate in Chemistry who is being mentored by Dr. Micha has received full funding for his project from the University Scholars Program.
- Mar 13, 2010
David Masiello who obtained his PhD from QTP/UF with Dr. Ohrn in 2005 will start this Summer as assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Washington in Seattle.
- Mar 3, 2010
Lex Kemper in Hai-Ping Cheng’s group obtained CLAS thesis dissertation award. He is expected to graduate in the Spring of 2010. He has received a postdoctoral offer to work with Professor Thomas P. Devereaux at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University.
- Mar 3, 2010
Victor Albert presented a paper entitled “Highly Compact Exponentially Correlated (EC) Wavefunctions for the Lithium Atom” at the 11th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium on 1 Match, 2010.
- Jan 28, 2010
Victor Albert’s submission Roads of Graphene received Honorable Mention in the Elegance of Science Art Contest.The artwork, along with the other winning pieces, was presented at the Elegance of Science Reception and Awards Ceremony on February 25th. in the Marston Science Library.
- Jan 28, 2010
Xiao He will defend his PhD thesis on
February 11, 2010 at 3:00 pm in room 2228. The title is “Linear-scaling methodology in large-scale ab initio electronic structure calculations and applications in biological studies”
- Article Title:
ACS Award For Computers In Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research
January 4, 2010 Volume 88, Number 1 p. 33
Article Location:
From Chemical & Engineering News http://www.cen-online.org A service of the American Chemical Society.
Professor kenneth Merz has been selected as the recipient of the 2010 ACS Award for Computers in Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research that recognizes the advances he has made in the use of quantum mechanics to solve biological and drug discovery problems. This highly prestigious international award sponsored by ACS is given to an individual “without regard to age or nationality for outstanding achievement in the use of computers in research, development, or education in the chemical and biological sciences”.
The past recipients of this award include nine National Academy members and one Nobel Laureate.
Professor Merz is Colonel Allan R. and Margaret G. Crow Term Professor and also Director of Quantum Theory Project. Prior to this award, Professor Merz was selected as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a John Simon Guggenheim Fellow, Office of Naval Research Young Investigator, and the recipient of the National Institute of Health FIRST Award. He also serves in government agency panels and editorial boards of a number of scientific journals.