- Victor Albert, undergraduate student working with Jack Sabin and Frank Harris received the “Emerging Scholar Award” from Phi Kappa Phi.
- The 16th Conference on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry was held Nov 2-4 in Jackson, MS with 200 attendees. Rod Bartlett was honored plenary speaker. There were contributions from QTP graduate students Andrew Taube, Josh MClellan, Prakash Verma, Tom Hughes, and Tom Watson. Former QTP members who participated included Steve Gwaltney, David Magers, and John Watts. It had the first second generation posters as David Watts was a co-author of John and Ming-Ju and both Andrew and Brandodn Magers presented papers with David.
- Toru Shiozaki (Hirata group) Grid-based Hartree-Fock and second-order M�ller�Plesset perturbation methods for atoms and polyatomic molecules is a winner of Best Poster Award of 3rd Asian Pacific Conference of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry.
- Christina Crecca received the Chemical Computing Group Excellence award allowing her to attend the August 2007 ACS meeting in Boston. The award was created to stimulate graduate student participation in COMP division activities. In addition to a monetary prize, our group received a copy of CCG’s MOE (Molecular Operating Environment) software with a one-year license.
- Jessica Ramirez, a Chemistry Major working with David Micha, has been awarded a Chemical Physics Scholarship to do undergraduate research. She is studying methods of electronic structure for molecules and will work on applications to surface bonding and spectra.
- Andrew Leathers, a PhD student with David Micha, has been awarded an NSF travel stipend administered by the Computational Materials Center of the University of Illinois, to participate at the Paris, France, upcoming workshop on Energy Flow Dynamics in Biomaterials. Andrew will present a poster on the calculation of density matrices for photoexcited many-atom systems.
- Adrian Roitberg was awarded the spring 2006 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Distinguished Mentor Award. This award includes a cash award spread over two years that can be used to cover expenses to advance his research efforts or as a salary payment.
- It is now possible to donate to the QTP endowments using the online service from the University of Florida Foundation. This site lists
- IBM Sanibel Symposium Endowment
- Lowdin Memorial fund
- Quantum Theory Project Fund
- The World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC) has awarded the 2008 Schrodinger Medal to Rod Bartlett. This is the WATOC prize for an outstanding senior theoretical/computational chemist. The selection is the result of a secret ballot of the entire WATOC Board and is highly competitive.
It is intended that the WATOC Medals for 2006, 2007 and 2008 will all be presented at the WATOC 2008 World Congress to be held in Sydney, Australia from September 9-14, 2008.
- At the Chicago ACS meeting Mar 26-30, 2007, Rod Bartlett received the ACS Award in Theoretical Chemistry. The awards lecture entitled, “Coupled-cluster theory in quantum chemistry: The emergence of a new paradigm, ” was presented on March 28. Attending the Awards banquet were Andrew Taube, Josh McClellan, Tom Hughes, and Ajith Perera, members of Prof. Bartlett’s group, and So Hirata.