Rodney J. Barlett
Webpage: https://people.clas.ufl.edu/rodbartl/
Email: barlett@qtp.ufl.edu
Graduate Research Professor of Chemistry and Physics and Director of QTP 2012-2017. His main research interest is in highly correlated methods for ab initio electronic structure theory, including Coupled Cluster Methods and Many Body Perturbation Theory.
Hai-Ping Cheng
Director of QTP
Webpage: http://users.clas.ufl.edu/hping/index1.htm
Email: cheng@qtp.ufl.edu
Professor of Physics and Chemistry and QTP Director (2018-2020). Her main research interest is in simulation of properties of large clusters, complex nanostructures, and surface effects.
Erik Deumens
Webpage: https://people.clas.ufl.edu/deumens/
Email: deumens@qtp.ufl.edu
Scientist in Chemistry and Physics and Director of UF Research Computing since 2011. His main research interest is in parallel software design for petascale and exascale machines, time-dependent studies of the interaction of electrons and nuclei in molecules using the Electron Nuclear Dynamics method, and the principles of quantum mechanics.
Richard Hennig
Assoc. Director of QTP
Webpage: http://hennig.mse.ufl.edu/
Email: rhennig@mse.ufl.edu
Assoc. Professor of Materials Science and Engineering. His research interests include computational methods for materials discovery and design (materials genome initiative context) and computational predicition and characterization of nano-structured and 2D materials.
Ajith Perera
Webpage: http://users.clas.ufl.edu/perera/
Email: perera@.qtp.ufl.edu
Scientist, Chemistry. Research focuses on coupled-cluster and many-body methods and their efficient computational implementation for prediction and interpretation of molecular structure and properties. Code development includes ACES-II and ACES-III.
Simon Phillpot
Webpage: http://phillpot.mse.ufl.edu/
Email: sphil@mse.ufl.edu
Professor and former Chair of Materials Science and Engineering. His research interests include multiscale simulation.
Beverly Sanders
Webpage: https://www.cise.ufl.edu/~sanders/
Email: sanders@cise.ufl.edu
Assoc. Professor of Computer and Information Science and Engineering. Her research interests most closely connected with QTP are in software engineering and programming languages for high performance computing.
John F. Stanton
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/site/stantonresearchgroup/
Email: johnstanton@ufl.edu
William R. Kenan Professor of Chemistry. Research interests focus on high-level quantum chemical methodology and their application to challenging problems of molecular spectroscopy. Collaborative software development includes the CFOUR package.
Xiaoguang Zhang
Webpage: https://www.phys.ufl.edu/wp/index.php/people/faculty/xiaoguang-zhang/
Email: xgz@ufl.edu
Professor of Physics. Main research interests include (a) theory, modelling and computation of transport phenomena in magnetic tunnel junctions, molecular junctions, and other nanoscale systems; (b) semi-conductor electron mobility and capture cross-section calculations; (c) image informatics in the context of scanning tunneling potentiometry.
Frank E. Harris
Webpage: http://www.physics.utah.edu/~harris/home.html
Email: harris@qtp.ufl.edu
Research Prof. of Chemistry, Univ. Florida and Prof. of Physics, Univ. of Utah.