Löwdin Memorial Fund
The Löwdin Memorial fund supports the Löwdin lecture series and other scientific activities in Quantum Theory Project.
Please make your check payable to the University of Florida Foundation (in the memo line -“Löwdin Memorial Fund”) and mail to:
Office Manager
University of Florida
Quantum Theory Project
P.O. Box 118435
Gainesville, FL 32611-8435
Thank you for your generosity.
Zerner Memorial Fund
The Zerner Memorial fund supports deserving graduate students..
Please make your check payable to the University of Florida Foundation, (in the memo line – “Zerner Memorial Fund”)and mail to:
Office Manager
University of Florida
Quantum Theory Project
P.O. Box 118435
Gainesville, FL 32611-8435
Thank you for your generosity.
Sanibel Endowment
Donor Support
The year 2017 marks the 57th Sanibel Symposium. The longevity of this annual international scientific meeting focused on atomic, molecular and condensed matter research indicates the important function that the meeting serves. Since the first Sanibel Symposium (organized by Per-Olov Löwdin in December/January 1960/61 on Sanibel Island), over 5000 scientists have participated in these meetings.
We are grateful to the Federal Agencies, the University of Florida, and our former corporate sponsors, Dell/Intel and IBM, for their support for the meeting. However, funding of an annual meeting such as the Sanibel Symposium is always fraught with uncertainty. As a result, the organizers, the QTP faculty and staff, have sought for some time to seek a more stable and independent financial base. To this end, we have established the Sanibel Symposium Endowment fund. We consider the endowment essential to secure the continuing support of the meeting, in particular the participation of young scientists.
In contrast to endowments for buildings or athletic programs, the support of intellectual activities must be carried by the relatively small number of people who understand them and their value. Therefore, we turn to you, the participants of the Symposium, to solicit a monetary gift for the endowment.
Levels of Support
- $10,000 + (Symposium Patron)
- $5000-$9,999 (Symposium Donor)
- $1000-$4,999 (Symposium Supporter)
We emphasize that any level of support is most welcome. Your gift may be tax deductible.
Please make your check payable to the University of Florida Foundation, (in the memo line “Sanibel Symposium Endowment Fund”) and mail to:
Office Manager
University of Florida
Quantum Theory Project
P.O. Box 118435
Gainesville, FL 32611-8435
In recognition of your gift, your name will join those on the following page in future Sanibel Symposia programs.
Thank you for your generosity.
We thank the following colleagues and friends for their generous contributions to the Sanibel Endowment Fund.
Symposium Patron
- IBM Corporation
- Dell / Intel
Symposium Donors
- Dr. Janet E. Del Bene
- Dr. Charlotte Froese Fischer
- Dr. Frank Harris
- Dr. F. A. Matsen
Symposium Supporters
- Dr. & Mrs. Rodney J. Bartlett
- Dr. Robin Davies
- Dr. & Mrs. Osvaldo Goscinski
- Dr. Herbert W. Jones
- Dr. Jerome Karle
- Dr. James W. King
- Dr. Norman March
- Dr. Kimio Ohno
- Dr. & Mrs. Yngve Öhrn
- Dr. Robert G. Parr
- Dr. Ruben Pauncz
- Dr. John P. Perdew
- Dr. & Mrs. John R. Sabin
- Dr. Fukashi Sasaki
- Dr. Samuel B. Trickey & Ms. Cynthia Karle
Other Generous Donations
- Dr. Hai-Ping Cheng
- Dr. Alex Green
- Dr. John E. Harriman
- Dr. Gene Hemp
- Dr. Jeffrey L. Krause
- Dr. David Micha
- Dr. Hendrik J. Monkhorst
- Dr. Otto E. Steinborn
- Dr. James Talman
- Dr. J. Patrick Tatum
- Dr. & Mrs. Michael C. Zerner