University of Florida Homepage

News of 2010

Dec 10, 2010 Ben Hall Physics and QTP graduate student working with Prof. J. Sabin recieved the Bomsted Teaching Award.   Dec 8, 2010 Prof. Rod Bartlett presented the Pitzer Lecture at Ohio State Unievrsity on Nov 17.   Oct 1, 2010 Prof. Rod Bartlett has been awarded the Southern Chemist Awrd by the Memphis section of the ACS.   Sep […]

News of 2009

November 12, 2009 To celebrate the 50th Sanibel Symposium a poster competition was organized. Art students have created some beautiful posters. The winner is Amanda Humphreys.   November 5, 2009 Lex Kemper (Physics, Cheng group) has won the McLaughlin Dissertation Fellowship for Spring 2009. This award is given to 4 CLAS graduate students who are in the […]

News of 2008

The new, parallel implementation of Coupled Cluster theory in ACES III is now available for download from the web. Check out the QTP Software page for software created and maintained by QTP faculty and their reseach groups.   The World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC) has awarded the 2008 Schrodinger Medal to Rod Bartlett. This is the WATOC prize for […]

News of 2007

Victor Albert, undergraduate student working with Jack Sabin and Frank Harris received the “Emerging Scholar Award” from Phi Kappa Phi.   The 16th Conference on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry was held Nov 2-4 in Jackson, MS with 200 attendees. Rod Bartlett was honored plenary speaker. There were contributions from QTP graduate students Andrew Taube, Josh […]

News of 2006

Duane Williams has been awarded the 2006 Florida/Georgia Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Fellowship.   Professor Rodney J. Bartlett, Graduate Research Professor of Chemistry and Physics, Quantum Theory Project, has been selected as the recipient of the ACS Award in Theoretical Chemistry in 2007 sponsored by IBM Corporation. This is one of the most […]

News of 2005

We are approaching the end of an important year in the life of QTP. We have a new faculty member, Kennie Merz, who joined us as Professor this Fall. In other faculty maters, Hai-Ping Cheng was promoted to Professor, and Sam Trickey retired and became Professor Emeritus (not to worry, Sam remains active in his […]

News of 2004

At the 13th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry (Jackson MS, Nov 12-13), Tom Hughes’ poster presentation received 2nd Prize for student posters. He was recognized at the banquet and got a cash prize as well. Good job Tom!   We are proud to announce that our colleague Yngve Öhrn has been named the […]