March 3, 2020 Monday next week (March 9) we welcome back Prof. So Hirata, Univ. of Illinois. He will be speaking in Chemistry (2:00 pm, Leigh Hall 309) on “Ab initio condensed-phase chemistry”.
Feb. 12, 2020 Late breaking news:We will have a special QTP seminar this Friday, Feb. 14, 4:00 pm, in NPB 2205. The visitor, Bryan Changala (JILA, Boulder), will speak on “Rovibrational mean-field-based approaches for spectroscopy, dynamics, and thermochemistry of highly anharmonic molecules”
Feb. 2, 2020 Thursday of this week (Feb. 6, 4:00 pm, NPB 2205) there will be a QTP seminar “Materials and Reactions by Design: Machine Learning Meets First Principles” presented by Dr. José Mendoza-Cortes, Dept. of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, and Dept. of Physics, Florida State Univ.