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News of 2009

  • November 12, 2009
    To celebrate the 50th Sanibel Symposium a poster competition was organized. Art students have created some beautiful posters. The winner is Amanda Humphreys.


  • November 5, 2009
    Lex Kemper (Physics, Cheng group) has won the McLaughlin Dissertation Fellowship for Spring 2009. This award is given to 4 CLAS graduate students who are in the stage of writing their thesis.


  • November 3, 2009
    Murat Keceli (Physics, Hirata group) receives a Poster Prize from the 18th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry for his work on theoretical studies on anharmonic lattice vibrations in polymers.


  • November 3, 2009
    Prof. So Hirata has been appointed as a member of Advisory Board of Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics published by Royal Society of Chemistry beginning in January 2010.


  • October 15, 2009
    Prof. Manoj Mishra (PhD from UF with Prof. Ohrn in 1981) has been appointed as President of Lucknow University in India.



  • October 1, 2009
    From the Florida Section of the ACS newsletter
    Victor Albert, undergraduate working with Sabin and Harris won 2nd place in the poster competition for undergrads.
    Pansy Patel, a graduate student visiting QTP and working with Roitberg this summer, won 1st place in the graduate competition.


  • September 15, 2009
    From the American Chemical Society:
    Professor kenneth Merz has been selected as the recipient of the 2010 ACS Award for Computers in Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research that recognizes the advances he has made in the use of quantum mechanics to solve biological and drug discovery problems. This highly prestigious international award sponsored by ACS is given to an individual “without regard to age or nationality for outstanding achievement in the use of computers in research, development, or education in the chemical and biological sciences”.
    The past recipients of this award include nine National Academy members and one Nobel Laureate.
    Professor Merz is Colonel Allan R. and Margaret G. Crow Term Professor and also Director of Quantum Theory Project. Prior to this award, Professor Merz was selected as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a John Simon Guggenheim Fellow, Office of Naval Research Young Investigator, and the recipient of the National Institute of Health FIRST Award. He also serves in government agency panels and editorial boards of a number of scientific journals.


  • September 15, 2009
    Jessica Ramirez, who is doing undergraduate Senior Research with David Micha, was awarded a “Best Poster” by the Chemistry Division of the Los Alamos National Lab, at its Summer student symposium, during her stay at the Lab for this past Summer study program. Her work related to the electronic structure and properties of functionalized semiconductor nanotubes and surfaces.


  • September 8, 2009
    Graduate student, Toru Shiozaki (officially with Univ Tokyo but he is a visiting scholar at UF for a few years now), is the winner of the 2009 ACS Graduate Student Award in Computational Chemistry.


  • July 26, 2009
    A new network infrastructure has been installed in the New Physics Building.


  • July 1, 2009
    Prof David Micha received a long term visiting fellowship from the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications of the University of Minnesota, and worked there during the month of May on theoretical aspects of quantum dissipative dynamics for many-atom systems. He also participated at a workshop on molecular dynamics and gave a talk at the Chemistry Department.


  • June 1, 2009
    Prof. Kennie Merz is Visiting Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique for the summer of 2009.


  • June 1, 2009
    Prof. Rod Bartlett presents the Lowdin lecture at the University of Uppsala on June 12, 2009.


  • May 21, 2009
    Prof. Rod Bartlett received the S F Boys-A Rahman Award for “pioneering development and applications of the coupled-cluster theory of quantum chemistry” from the Royal Academy of Chemistry of the United Kingdom.


  • May 19, 2009
    Prof. So Hirata has been promoted to Associate Professor and has received tenure.


  • May 19, 2009
    Prof. Adrian Roitberg received tenure; he was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in 2004.


  • Professor So Hirata receives Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award.
    Assistant Professor So Hirata is a recipient of the Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, a prestigious award given to talented young faculty in chemical sciences with the promise of continuing outstanding contributions to both research and teaching. The award provides an unrestricted research grant of $75,000 in support of Hirata’s research on the developments and applications of predictive electronic and vibrational many-body methods for molecules and macromolecules. Hirata joined the University of Florida faculty in 2004. His research has also been supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. National Science Foundation, and the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund.


  • Professor Kenneth Merz named Colonel Allan R. and Margeret G. Crow Term Professor
    Professor Kenneth Merz is named Colonel Allan R. and Margeret G. Crow Term Professor for the year 2009-2010 in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in recognition of demontrated excellence in scholarship, teaching, and service.


  • Professor Rodney Bartlett named University of Florida Research Foundation Term Professor


  • After long preparation the change in the network infrastructure in the New Physics building with associated change in the telephone system to VoIP (Coice over Internet Protocol) will happen during the month of June 2009.


  • Rod Bartlett, So Hirata, and Erik Deumens speak in the Advancing Computational Chemistry through High-Performance Computing: From the Workstation to Petascale and Beyond: Michael Dewar Memorial Symposium in the 2009 ACS March meeting in Salt Lake City.


  • Yilin Meng, graduate student in Adrian Roitberg’s group, received the Fall 2009 ACS/CCG Excellence Graduate Student Travel Award from the COMP group of the American Chemical Society at the ACS March Meeting March 22-26, 2009 in Salt Lake City, Utah.


  • Mehrnoosh Arrar, undergraduate student doing research with Adrian Roitberg, received a 2009 Goldwater Scholarship


  • Chao Cao, recent PhD graduate from QTP, received the Nicholas Metropolis Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis in Computational Physics for his thesis done under the guidance of Hai-PingCheng.


  • In February, Rod Bartlett visited the New Zealand Institute of Advanced Studies and lectured during his three-week stay. He is a member of the Advisory Board.


  • QTP presents the 2009 L�wdin Lecture Series
    This year’s Löwdin lecturer is Professor Martin Head-Gordon from the University of California, Berkeley, visiting from Jan 20 through Jan 23, 2009. He will present two lectures as part of his visit.


  • picSo Hirata recieves NSF CAREER award
    Assistant Professor So Hirata has received funding from National Science Foundation’s most prestigious award for junior faculty, the NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award. The CAREER teacher-scholars are selected on the basis of creative, career-development plans that will effectively integrate research and education within the context of the mission of their institution. Hirata joined the University of Florida faculty in 2004. His research has also been supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund.



  • Adrian Roitberg’s work, “Pathways to Prevention”, was recently featured in Access, a publication from the University of Illinois.


  • Chao Cao doctoral student with Prof. Cheng, has received the 2009 Metropolis Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Work in Computational Physics This award is organized by the APS and the award will be presented at the 2009 March Meeting of the American Physical Society. See the announcement on the APS website for more details