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News of 2008

  • The new, parallel implementation of Coupled Cluster theory in ACES III is now available for download from the web. Check out the QTP Software page for software created and maintained by QTP faculty and their reseach groups.


  • The World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC) has awarded the 2008 Schrodinger Medal to Rod Bartlett. This is the WATOC prize for an outstanding senior theoretical/computational chemist. The selection is the result of a secret ballot of the entire WATOC Board and is highly competitive.

He presented a plenary lecture “Coupled-Cluster Theory in Quantum Chemistry: The Emergence of a new Paradigm.”

The WATOC Medals for 2006, 2007 and 2008 were presented at the WATOC 2008 World Congress to be held in Sydney, Australia from September 9-14, 2008.


  • Recent Ph.D.’s in QTP: Chao Cao, Ozlem Demir, Goergios Leonis, Andrew Taube.


  • Sam Trickey taught a five-day, 10 lecture, Short Course on Density Functional Theory and Applications, on the invitation of the Physics Dept. at Michigan Technological University, Sept. 15-19. About 15 graduate students and postdocs and a couple of faculty attended.


  • Erik Deuemns gave the annual state of QTP talk on September 3, 2008.


  • Mike Weaver, post-doctoral research associate with Prof. Kennie Merz, has been awarded the prestgeous NIH Research Fellowship award, which is a $100K research grant for two years (1F32GM079968-01A2) for his project with title “Structrue and Function of Iron-Sulfur Clusters”.


  • Professor So Hirata (Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics, Quantum Theory Project and the Center for Macromolecular Science and Engineering) has been selected to receive the 2008 Annual Medal of the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science. The citation to accompany the Medal reads “for theory and algorithm developments in electron correlated methods for molecules and extended systems.”

The Academy is an international learned society founded in 1967 in Menton, France, in auspices of Louis de Broglie and consists of 129 members who are renowned leaders of the broad field of quantum chemistry including 10 Nobel Laureates.

It awards an Annual Medal to a scientist of any nationality with age 40 or younger who has distinguished himself or herself for a pioneering contribution to the field.

The award ceremony will take place in the 13th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry held in Helsinki, Finland, in June, 2009.

Professor Hirata’s research has been supported financially by University of Florida and the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences.


  • QTP was very well represented at the Symposium on 50 Years of Coupled-cluster Theory, at the Institute of Nuclear Theory, Univ of Washington, Seattle. Rod Bartlett was the principal organizer of the symposium (and the five week workshop) while So Hirata, Henk Monkhorst, Monika Musial, and Andrew Taube all participated. In addition Joe Paldus and Jiri Cizek were among the honorees along with Hermann Kuemmel. Long time QTP visitor Leszek Meissner was also present. From nuclear physics, atomic physics, and quantum chemistry there are about 60 people involved in the workshop, forty of whom were at the symposium.

Henk Monkhorst gave an invited talk about his idea to go beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation for molecules with the coupled cluster method. Since the talk he has been in touch with people who are implementing the approach.

During this time Rod Bartlett also was asked to speak at the UNEDF (Universal Nuclear Energy Density Functional) meeitng in Pack Forrest, two hrs outside Seattle. about ab initio DFT.


  • Muneaki Kamiya, a former postdoctoral researcher of Hirata group, has been appointed Assistant Professor at Gifu University, Japan.


  • Toru Shiozaki (a visiting graduate student in Hirata group) is a recipient of a prestigious JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Fellowship for Young Scientists.His M.Sc. Thesis has received an *award from the Department of Applied Chemistry, The University of Tokyo.


  • So Hirata received the HewLett-Packard Award for outstanding faculty from the computational division of the American Chemical Society in the annual meeting in New Orleans held in April 2008.

group hirata



  • The session of Monday April 7 in the symposium on “Theoretical Spectroscopy” at the national ACS meeting in New Orleans, will be held in honor of Rod Bartlett. Current group members, Ajith Perera, Andrew Taube, and Tom Hughes will speak, along with former group members, Juergen Gauss, John Stanton, and Marcel Nooijen, plus friends Josef Michl, Fritz Schaefer, Daniel Crawford, and Gustavo Scuseria. So Hirata is one of the chairs and a co-organizer of the event. There will also be a dinner that night in Rod’s honor, and for the invited speakers at the Symposium. If you would like to attend the latter, please contact So Hirata.


  • Lex Kemper has received a fellowship to attend a 2008 summer school on Numerical Methods for Correlated Electronic Systems at Universite de Sherbrooke in Canada. Furthermore, he attended (and got funding from CLAS for) the APS March meeting 2008, where he presented a poster and gave a talk. Last summer, he got a fellowship to attend a summer school on the Theory of Superconductivity in Corsica, France.


  • Chun Zhang, a former student in Hai-Ping Cheng’s group, has received an offer as an assistant professor of physics and chemistry in the National University of Singapore. He has decided to accept the offer.


  • Victor Albert, undergraduate Physics Major student working with Jack Sabin and Frank Harris has won the Goldwater Fellowship.


  • Jesicca Ramirez, doing undergraduate research at QTP with Prof. David Micha, is one of three UF Chemistry Undergraduates recently named University Scholars. The University Scholars Program is designed to introduce undergraduate students to the exciting world of academic research. Jessica will spend the coming Summer conducting research on new materials for solar energy capture and conversion, using methods of computational chemistry.



  • The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation has selected David Micha for an award within its Senior Scientist Mentor Program, stating that it is “based in part on your distinguished research and pedagogical career accomplishments and your commitment to advising and mentoring undergraduate student participants”. The award includes $ 20,000 to cover expenses of the mentored students for two years.


  • Mao-Hua Du, Ph. D. student of Hai-Ping Cheng is a stuff scientist in Oak Ridge National Laboratory


  • Yao He, postdoctoral associate with Hai-Ping Cheng, is a full professor of Physics Department, Yunan University, China


  • The QTP website started 2008 with a new look that conforms to the UF and CLAS guidelines.


  • The QTP website started 2008 with a new look that conforms to the UF and CLAS guidelines.